Monday, February 3, 2014

Dean Allen Is Back into Web Hosting Business to Revitalize TextDrive Company & Keep Promises with Customers on September 10, 2012 : Dean Allen was the founder TextDrive web hosting company back in 2004. It was the time when cloud hosting and web hosting business was not that attractive and easy as it is now. It was very tough time for any initiator of web hosting business to be able to manage the required investment for establishing a new web hosting company. Mr. Allen adopted a unique crowd funding mechanism to establish the company rather than going for tough business plans and requests for investment in different business meetings round the country.

Dean Allen Is Back into Web Hosting Dean Allen Is Back into Web Hosting

The web hosting customers were incentivized to invest in the company to raise the funds for establishing of the web hosting company named as ‘TextDrive’. The customers were offered a life time web hosting plan against few hundreds of one-time investment in the company. This strategy worked and company was established. It operated successfully with Joyent web hosting till mid of last month when Joyent announced that they were going to stop this life-time service offer from October 31, 2012. Like life-time customers, it was not good news for Mr. Dean Allen to buy who was away from web hosting business since few years. He announced to return back and keep his promises that were made to customers 8 years ago.

In an interview with private news agency, Mr. Dean Allen said, “I certainly had no interest in standing in boardrooms begging for money, we just really needed some scratch to get going, to get some boxes into data centers at that point. It was working so well that we opened up to a few more people. It was a really popular idea at the time, we had people sort of lining up to pay a couple hundred bucks to be taken care of for the rest of the existence of the company.” He further said, “We’ve got a really conservative business plan for that. As it is right now I’m going to spend a couple of months making sure everybody gets over to the new infrastructure and they’re well set-up. At that point we’ll decide who is going to be let in and what kind of paying customer we’re going to seek out.”

Dean Allen Is Back into Web Hosting Business to Revitalize TextDrive Company & Keep Promises with Customers

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